Cogdell Law Group is a SIC: 811103 - Attorneys based in Houston, Texas . The firm office address is located at 914 Preston St # 6south, Houston, Texas . We don't have the email of Cogdell Law Group law firm but you can call them at 7134262244. Check the details below for more contact information about the firm. Note that our record of Cogdell Law Group profile is not complete, if you are the representative of this company then please contact us to update this company profile information in our website.
Law Firm Office Address
- Name: Cogdell Law Group
- Address: 914 Preston St # 6south
- City: Houston
- State: Texas
- Zip Code: 77002-1815
- County: Harris
Law Firm Office Contact Information
- Phone: 7134262244
- Fax:
- E-mail:
- Website:
Office Map Location of Cogdell Law Group Law Firm
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is a Bankruptcy Attorney?
A bankruptcy attorney is a specialist lawyer who is experienced in dealing with bankruptcy cases. Their primary focus is to assist clients through court proceedings to reduce or eliminate debt or to proceed forward with bankruptcy. A bankruptcy attorney can help by giving legal advice to the client, preparing legal documents, and representing the client in court. They will need to be provided with all financial information such as income, expenses, assets, and debts. Bankruptcy attorneys can help explain the bankruptcy process and determine which chapter of bankruptcy is best for their clients. They also help in filing the paperwork required by the courts. They are not allowed to offer legal advice to court employees or judges. Content writing for bankruptcy attorneys should meet the marketing guidelines set by the state bar association and appeal to potential clients.
What is a Car Accident Attorney?
A car accident attorney is a lawyer who specializes in representing people who have been injured in car accidents. They help their clients to seek fair compensation for their physical pain and suffering, lost wages, property damage, and other damages that may have resulted from the accident. Car accident attorneys are knowledgeable of state laws and regulations regarding car accidents and are experienced in representing clients in court. Content writing for car accident attorneys should focus on how they can help their clients receive the compensation they deserve, as well as highlight their experience in car accident law. They should also discuss the strategies they use to ensure their client’s rights are protected throughout the case. Car accident attorneys should also discuss their commitment to helping their clients understand their rights and their options for pursuing their case.
What is a Disability Lawyer?
A disability lawyer is an attorney who specializes in helping individuals receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). They are experts in Social Security law and have experience assisting clients with the entire disability application process. A disability lawyer can help to properly complete complex claim forms, prevent a claim from being denied due to incomplete information or missed deadlines, and represent you at a disability hearing if your claim is denied. Additionally, a disability lawyer can help to improve your case by gathering evidence, such as medical records and doctor’s notes, and providing an experienced opinion as to how to best handle the case. A disability attorney can help you to make the best decisions for your case and can provide the support and guidance you need throughout the application process.
What is a Divorce Lawyer?
Divorce lawyers are family law attorneys who handle divorce cases. Most family law attorneys handle divorce and it is often the main focus of their practice. Divorce is a subset of family law, so generally, an attorney who practices family law will offer divorce representation, and a law firm that markets itself as a divorce lawyer will also handle other family law matters. Divorce lawyers provide legal advice and representation on issues such as division of property, alimony, child custody, visitation rights, and child support. They also ensure that legal documents related to the divorce are properly filed and processed. In addition to offering legal advice, divorce lawyers can also provide emotional support and resources to those going through a difficult time.
What is a Family Law Attorney?
A family law attorney is a lawyer who specializes in handling family law cases, such as divorce, adoption, guardianship, and child custody. Family law attorneys advise clients on a wide range of legal topics. Divorce cases may be the most common, but they offer and other services related to adoption, prenuptial agreements, guardianship, and emancipation. Family law attorneys must be knowledgeable of state laws and regulations and must be able to handle all aspects of family law cases. They must also be able to provide clients with legal advice and representation in court, as needed. Family law attorneys must also be compassionate and understanding of their clients’ needs and concerns.
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